Concerning items of interest

Monday, April 13, 2009

Back on track

I went for nice bike ride today. I rode from my home to Macedon along the Erie Canal trail and then back to Fairport where I met Jaime and the kids. I asked Jaime to pick me up because my left ankle was hurting. I haven't ridden this far in nearly a year and I've never had problems with that ankle before so I thought I would forego pushing through the pain to avoid an injury early in the season. The total distance was 28.46 miles (45.81 km). I estimate it took me about 2.5 hours so average speed was just over 10 mph. Not very fast, but it's my first ride this season and I had a lot of gear and my bike felt really heavy. Regardless of speed, it was a nice ride. About 2/3 of the trail is paved, and the other parts are crushed rock. The weather was beautiful, albeit a bit brisk with a starting temperature in the low 30's and a slight breeze. After i warmed up I was fine with just a wool sweater on top but I had long johns and some "knickers" (jaime's work out capris) on bottom. A pair of generic, one-size-fits-all cotton gloves was enough to keep my hands warm.

One thing I need to work on is pacing. I tend to hop on my bike and go go go until I'm worn out. I should take breaks for stretching and food more often. I think that may give me a bit more endurance.

I don't know if I'll have time, but I'd like to do a brevet this year. We'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

stuutz blog-e-blog said...

okay aaron for your birthday maybe i'll get you some work out clothes so Jaime can have hers back. the ride sounded lovely.

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