Concerning items of interest

Monday, March 17, 2008


I'm taking up swimming down to the local YMCA. This photo proves it.


raina said...

this photo also proves that (i never noticed before) the top of your head is significantly smaller than the rest. hmm. that's weird. and i've known you for like 9 years.

Anonymous said...

I can see that you are still hillarious even after turning into an old man doctor. I hope that swimming cap is worth the pain because it is awes.
P.S. I don't know why I have to sign in with my Livejournal account. Disable that feature stat.

AaronLYoung said...

Thanks for the comment, Emmyloopers. The log-in-to-comment feature was an attempt to keep any sexual predators away from my blog. But apparently it doesn't work very well since both you and Raina were able to post. By the way, I'm kind of disappointed that your user name only has 2 x's. :=)

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