Concerning items of interest

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Twitter Fever

I love the Twitter. I started using it years ago after I heard the gang on This Week in Tech gushing about it. At first I just posted simple little things like that commercial ("I am sitting on the porch"). But after a while that became boring and really who wants to read stuff like that. I don't care if your having a coke or going to the gym, and I bet you aren't that interested if I am. Instead I've been using it as a way to distribute cool stuff I've found online. Youtube videos, music, articles, important info on tech stuff. Twitter is much better that way, but it helps to use a URL shortening service like or

Some people that really rock the Twitter are Roger Ebert (@ebertchicago), Merlin Mann (@hotdogsladies) although he is often quite crass, and Rainn Wilson (@rainnwilson). There is a "super-tweeter" named @StephenFry that has more than 1 million followers. I've tried following him, but his tweets are really boring; "sitting on the couch" type stuff. I don't know why he has so many followers.

I also follow bicycle businesses like Harris Cyclery (@harriscyclery) although their website is much more useful than their Twitter stream, (@velo_orange), and indirectly Rivendell Bicycle Works (@RivBikeFans - they don't have their own feed).

Other folks I think are interesting:

Primal Blueprint news/articles: Mark Sisson from (@Mark_Sisson)

Tech news: @TechCrunch, @MacRumorsRSS, and @droidnews

Tech journalists: Andy Inhatko (@ihnatko), Gina Trapini (@ginatrapini), and Leo Laporte (@LeoLaporte).

News: @TheEconomist and @TheOnion

Finally, I follow (@audible_com) because I love listening to audiobooks on my iPod - definitely a life-changer for me ("Hey, I read a book!") and they sometimes give away free audiobooks. Definitely worth following.

What I most dislike about the Twitter is simply that very few of my dear friends post tweets regularly. So thanks to Emilee (@ultravoxx) and Christian (@klangfarben) for keeping it real.


... said...

You. Are. Welcome. I am real as ess, but I am pretty sure I maake "I am sitting on the porch" type posts. Sorry about your luck.

CAG said...

i am glad i am keepin' it real with my tweeting. i wish more of my fav. friends would catch on to how awesome twitter is. i think I will follow Rainn Wilson now. you inspired me!

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