Concerning items of interest

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Twitter Followup

A short history of the names I have used on twitter:


I think I started with @VeloKillVelo like the blog name here. That seemed a little intense with the Velo repetition and Kill stuck in the middle there (the blog will keep the name though), so I went to the softer side of Sears and switched to @Velove.


That is a contraction of the words Velo (which refers to the most efficient mode of transportation ever invented - the bicycle) and Love of course (the most inefficient human emotion ever invented). I just checked and someone in Germany (?) has claimed @Velove. It just has a link to an empty but nice-looking site hosted in Germany.


I changed to @BicycleBrain because I thought that was pretty clever. In fact, it refers to a quote by Steve Jobs: "Computers are like a bicycle for our minds."


In the past month I decided to grab my own name whilst it wast stillst available-st. So now you can follow me @AaronLYoung. Click on the link on the right side of the blog to make it easy.

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