Concerning items of interest

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Change the namey, Amy

Ransom Scoob
Originally uploaded by blogenstein.
I realized I had two posts that had rhyming titles ending with a name of a man so I changed all of my posts to have similar titles. I also included a womans name for this post as well so the females get some representation. Of course, all this hard work is for your enjoyment.

It's early in the morning still, but no sign of baby Violet coming today. At least not right now.

Funny story time: At church Asher was playing with a Scooby-Doo doll that belongs to the daughter of some of our friends. We forgot to give it back before we left church. Later, I received an email and the girl's dad did a "by the way" and asked if we had the doll. Here is what happened:

The Killer (Aaron):

Yes, we have the doll. And you'll never see Scooby alive again unless you leave a stainless steel suitcase full of unmarked crispy cremes on the doorstep of 4242 Louisiana Ave in the city. Just leave them in front of our door.... um, I mean in front of the green door and I'll contact you with further instructions.
-The Killer


ok, ok, the cremes are yours, just don't hurt the dog.

The Killer:

Let's "cut" to the chase: Scoobs whiskers are getting a little long. I suggest you quickly comply with our demands or else Scooby will get a really close "shave". If you are "sharp" you may want to get a "handle" on this situation and purchase a handsome "cutlery". Uh... I guess that last one didn't work, but do you get the "point"?

And the above image was attached to that email.

Yeah, the spookiness is what is so funny about this right? Right.

-The Killer

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